--On Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:35 AM -0800 "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now that you explained all that, should I reply or reply all?

ie - this message does a reply all as:

  To: "R. Joseph Newton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  CC: Beginners--Perl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rob Dixon

Now that is a completely separate question. An email client that generates a 'In-Reply-To' header for one will most likely generate it for the other.

To actually answer your question: who do you want to send the email to? If you want to send it back to the list (usually best) you need to make sure that one of the addresses you are sending to is [EMAIL PROTECTED] This list does not munge the Reply-To header (you can argue about if that is right...), so a 'reply' will not, by default, send to the list[1]. If you want to take a discussion offlist you only want to email the people involved, usually the person who wrote the email you are replying to, and then 'reply' is all you need.

Personally I just trim them all off and put [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the 'To:' field.

Daniel T. Staal

[1] Unless the author, like me, changes their 'Reply-To' address to this list themselves. Note that that isn't competely foolproof: some clients automatically reply to the 'From' address, which I leave alone. (That behavior is just wrong, but anyway...)

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