Ok here is a sample of the data. Its very confidential so I am trying to
be selective on what I send. I am just including the header information
since its not going to be dangerous to send :)

 Basically a table exists on this page that has merchant transaction
info like this...

The only lines on these pages that have dat that I need all have
class="statement" and align="center" in the td tag...

Thanks for all your help.

<td class="statement" valign="top"
<td class="statement" valign="top" align="center">Terminal ID</td>
<td class="statement" valign="top" align="center">Batch
<td class="statement" valign="top" align="right" >Net<br>Amount</td>
<td class="statement" valign="top" align="center">Items</td>

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Old [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 9:47 AM
Cc: 'Beginners Perl'
Subject: RE: Mechanize

On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 09:36, Paul Kraus wrote:
> Yes I have read the POD in fact I have them printed out in front of 
> me. Unless I am missing something and I doubt I am since I have read 
> it like 4 times. All you can really do using mechanize is parse the 
> content for links and forms.
> I need to parse out data from the page that is neither a link or form.
> I need to read the content a line at a time and using a regex find the

> content I want to isolate.
> Your second link all though helpful also seems to be only dealing with

> the above mentioned conditions.
> Sorry if this seems trivial. I am not new to perl but $a-content() is 
> not working the way I would expect it to behave.
> The regex I would use is /class="statement" align="center"/


I'd love to help, but don't have anything to test against.  Can you send
me the results from $a->content so that I can see what you're getting?

Couldn't you just save the results from $a->content to a scalar, then
use a regex on it?

my $results = $a->content();
$results =~ m/what I'm looking for/;

Also, from the POD for WWW::Mechanize:

Mech is well suited for use in testing web applications. If you use one
of the Test::*, like Test::HTML::Lint modules, you can check the fetched
content and use that as input to a test call.

use Test::More;
    like( $a->content(), qr/$expected/, "Got expected content" );

Hope this helps,


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