On Tuesday, Nov 18, 2003, at 09:20 US/Pacific, Dan Muey wrote:

Howdy group.

I have a need to get the size of a directory.
I could just execute unix's du command (my $sz = `du -sh /usr`;)
but was wondering if there's a better way to do it that is more portable.
I looked on cpan but didn't see anythign that jumped out at me.

a part of the problem is that the 'du' command is basically implemented differently between the BSD and SYSV styles of unix. One strategy that I have adopted when I am looking at a 'common'(HA!) unix utility that I would like to use, and in your illustration, the 'flags' to it, that are problematic, I create a wrapper class.

a quicky way to think about your problem would
be my WhackJob for dealing with my 'favorite'
set of flags to the 'ps' command:


To be honest, I use something like that, but more
cleaned up in a project I have. The trick of
course is getting 'illustrations' from all of the
OS's that you will want to be 'portable' with.




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