James Edward Gray II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 18, 2003, at 10:33 AM, Jeff Westman wrote:
> > There must be an easier way to convert a basic ascii string to hex.  I 
> > tried
> > using ord/chr/unpack/sprintf(%x) combinations and just dug my hole 
> > deeper.
> > I'm not interested in using any additional modules, just straight, 
> > "basic"
> > perl. This works, but exactly elegant:
> This one-liner produces identical output:
> perl -e 'print "x", unpack("H*", "some string"), "\n"'

Looks great.  How could I have missed that?!
> That doesn't seem too complex, does it?
> Hmm, let's take a look...
> > #!/bin/perl
> >
> > use strict;
> > use warnings;
> >
> > my $str = "some string";
> > my $hex = unpack('H*', "$str");
> The line above is 100% of the hex conversion.  That's too cumbersome??? 
>   I doubt we can do much better.
> > my $len = length($hex);
> > my $start = 0;
> >
> > print "x'";
> > while ($start < $len) {
> >     print substr($hex,$start,2);
> >     $start += 2;
> > }
> > print "'\n";
> Ah, the long part!  Printing two characters at a time.  Any reason to 
> do this?

Originally, I wanted to print individually ASCII characters into hex, such

x'73' x'6f' x'6d' (etc)

>   Well, surely we can do it quicker:
> print 'x';
> for (my $i = 0; $i < length $hex; $i+=2) {
>       print substr $hex, $i, 2;
> }
> print "\n";
> Is that better?  I'll let you decide.  It's pretty C-looking, but that 
> probably doesn't have to be a bad thing.
> Any of this help?

Yep, thanks!


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