"Rob Dixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Todd wrote:
> >
> > Perl is so slick:
> >
> >   if ( $self->{code} ) {
> >     $string = $self->{code};
> >   } else {
> >     $self->{class}{file}{generator}{tt2}->process(
> >
> >       $self,
> >       \$string
> >     ) || die $self->{class}{file}{generator}{tt2}->error(), "\n";
> >   }
> >
> > Objects created by other objects in the same class heirarchy get a
> > set to a reference to the object that created it. This piece of code is
> > a code generator that uses Template::Toolkit. $string is returned, being
> > called for in the first place by another method call placed in a
> > Template::Toolkit template.
> >
> > Vive OO.
> >
> > Todd W.
> Maybe. But I would take at least a couple of minutes
> to understand what you've written.

I wote that code years ago. I did explain it above. The code above is part
of a source code generator. $string contains programming source code. The
language of the source code depends on a flag being set in an XML file. I
understand it completely. I wrote it.

> That's not why Perl is slick.

You must have missed the point. ( There was no point to posting it, I was
just rereading some code and thought it looked neat enough to post. But if I
post it and you counter with "That's not why Perl is slick." then you still
missed the point. )

You can do what it says above in any language. What I've coded is a
high-level implementation of a tree. In JavaScript, for instance, instead of
seperating the properties with "}{" you could just use ".". What makes perl
so cool is the amount of code that I did NOT wite being executed in the
above snippet. The ->process() method of a Template::Toolkit object does
some serious work.

Todd W.

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