Rob Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jeff wrote:
> >
> > I am using Active Perl under Windoze 98.  I am trying to open a file that
> has
> > embedded spaces.  I tried escaping the spaces as well, and that didn't
> work
> > either.
> >
> > #! perl -w
> > $file = "c:\\win\\start menu\\programs\\system\\tbs montego\\_visit
> turtle beach web site.lnk";
> > print "file = $file\n";
> > open(F, "< $file") or warn "cannot open $file (continuing): $!\n";
> > $file =~ s/ /\\ /g;
> > print "file = $file\n";
> > open(F, "< $file") or die "cannot open $file: $!\n";
> > close(F);
> >
> > produces:
> >
> > file = c:\win\start menu\programs\system\tbs montego\_visit turtle beach
> web site.lnk
> > cannot open c:\win\start menu\programs\system\tbs montego\_visit turtle
> beach web site.lnk (continuing): No such file or directory
> > file = c:\win\start\ menu\programs\system\tbs\ montego\_visit\ turtle\
> beach\ web\ site.lnk
> > cannot open c:\win\start\ menu\programs\system\tbs\ montego\_visit\
> turtle\
> > beach\ web\ site.lnk: No such file or directory
> >
> > The file _does_ exist and works fine if I use DOS 8.3 short names.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> Hi Jeff.
> I agree with Tim, you've most likely got the filename slightly wrong. And
> by the way it's a lot safer and more readable to use single quotes unless
> you really need to interpolate variables or add control characters to a
> string.
> Try this short program so that you can see what Perl can see. It keeps
> shortening
> the path until an opendir succeeds and then dumps the directory. Then you
> can cut
> and paste the file names directly back into your code.
>   use strict;
>   use warnings;
>   my $file = 'C:\win\start menu\programs\system\tbs montego\_visit turtle
> beach web site.lnk';
>   my $dir = $file;
>   my $dh;
>   ($dir) = $dir =~ /(.+)\\/ or die until opendir $dh, $dir;
>   print "dir = $dir\n";
>   print map "$_\n", readdir $dh;
> Just one thing: I presume your windows directory really is C:\win and not
> I hope this helps somehow,

The program worked, and returned a directory listing in that directory.

Basically, the problem I am still having is that I have a list of LNK files
that I want to open.  So when I use this statement:

    open(F, "< $f") or die "cannot open file $f: $!\n";

the spaces get confused somehow.

The 'win' directory is correct.... back in the days of Windows 3.1, disk
space was a premium, so I applied a tip I read once to use 'win' instead of
'windows' to minimize disk space since "windows" was used in so many places. 
I am opening the LNK files to dump some information, specifically, what the
short cut key is (Win32::Shortcut has some short falls).

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