On Dec 1, 2003, at 2:36 PM, drieux wrote:

one way simplistic way to try the sysread() approach
would be go with something like

my $message;

        my $bytes=1;
        while ($bytes)
                $bytes = sysread(SOCK,$buf,4096);
                $message .= $buf;
                # or try say
                # last if eof(SOCK);

In my admittedly limited experience with network programming, I've never seen anything like this half-way approach pay off. Either A it was simple enough you could use the easy tools, or B you had to get serious and do a little work. That's just my opinion though and I could be very wrong.

Assuming of course that one is just going
to read the socket dry, and the server side
will close it off so that the eof() event
will be 'hearable'.

The moral: Network programming CAN be tricky. Take it step by step and keep it as simple as possible for what you need.

The alternative of course is to go with some
sort of 'header/payload' approach, in which
the header will call out how many bytes are
to be read off the socket as 'payload'. Or
build out a 'non-line oriented' protocol
that offers a specific EOM ( end of message )
indicator, or ....

There really are a lot of choices. Again telling us your long term goal may help us help you. For example, if you're writing a web server, we should probably steer the discussion over to forking... ;)


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