On Dec 3, 2003, at 7:06 AM, Dan Muey wrote:

Don't get me wrong, I have no practical reason
for running website stuff from C. I think it may
be valueable to know at some point and would be a
terrific learning experience.

Sorry for panicking Early....

Technically I can understand the Intellectual Interest.
But I feel obliged to note:

        There are many very effective Drug Therapies
                that can help with this type of Personality Disorder!!!!

You might want to start down the 'c trail' on it's own
and then come back around the horn to look at how to expose
your c-code in Perl with the standard XS mechanisms.
cf perldoc h2xs et al.

But that is driven by my background in c, and
therefore the fact that I can hack the c, the
makeFile, the ar to make the lib, etc... But
having access to that code in Perl makes some
other solutions simpler.

One variation on that theme is:

There are enough weirdnesses in the process of keeping
a 'c code' application, and the associated libraries,
static and/or dynamic 'stable' to drive most normal
people to Perl....

Put some perl code, that if run from a command line or browser or whatever
with or with our input of some sort would output some ascii text,
Inside of C program, probably as avariable I'm guessing then use
C to execute it and take what it outputs and , well oout put it.

So let's toss of the 'web stuff' - which is hairy
enough as it is, since one has to grok perl,
HTML/XHTML, a bit of the HTTP stuff, the CGI
calling conventions, a bit of Java Script, and
the three Major DOM's - which is enough in itself
and go back to the simpler idea...

Going the Otherway, as you are asking, finding
a way to stuff Perl into C code does not make
a lot of sense to me. Albeit it is a way to
oblige one's self to 'get it' about making
c code, and what the trade off at that point would be.
In Terms of GENERAL CODING for the Application Coder
You might find it better to start with a known piece
of perl code that you know does what it is suppose to
do, and then see what it would take to code it up
to work in 'c'. That would give you a better apples
to apples comparison.

you may want to check out

and download the PCRE project and look into it.



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