On Dec 3, 2003, at 7:06 AM, Rob Dixon wrote: [..]
remember that those double quotes will allow things
to be 'interpolated' - which is not what you want.

No they won't: they're not string delimiters in this context so they'll be treated as any other non-special character between the real s/// slash delimiters.


Minor Blonde Hair Moment On my phrasing. Thanks You for the good catch!

let's look at some code:

        my $foo = q|" _</pat stuff _</pat> other stuff|;
        print "$foo \n";
        $foo =~ s|" _</pat|"</pat"|g;
        print "$foo \n";

which will generate

" _</pat stuff _</pat> other stuff
"</pat" stuff _</pat> other stuff

Now IF the OP really wanted that sort of case,
then while a bit wacko, it will work.

So the question is whether that '"' double
quote token is a part of the pattern that
will be searched for, or is it the sort of
classic cut and paste problem of say

my $foo = " _</pat .... _</pat";

and in the heat of trying to sort out what was
scragged in the RegEx, hoping over the line to

$_ =~ s/"_\</pat"/"\</pat"/gi; #g for every occurrence, i for

hoping that by adding in more tokens it
would make it go zoom zoom..

I think that were you or I working the RE
and we wanted to remove ' _<' and replace it
with mere '<' we would have done say

$_ =~ s| _<|<|g;

Or we might use say

$_ =~ s|\s*_<|<|g;

to clean out the preceeding 'white space'...

ciao drieux


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