I've run into a problem.  I have been working on a webmin module that,
among other things, maintains a dbm file of regular expressions.  One
subroutine is passed a string, and if any of the regular expressions
matches, it returns the associated explanation text. I can read and
write this dbm with no issues.

Now I'm working on a console command to offer the same functionality
(only needing to read the rules, not write) using the same dbm.  I've
used precisely the same subroutine as in the webmin version, but
whenever I reach:
dbmopen (%PLRULES, "/var/szs/rules.dbm", undef) or die $!;
I die, with "No such file or directory".

Absolute path, world-readable files owned by root, precisely the same
statement in each, the webmin CGI version and the console version.  The
webmin CGI is NOT runnning when I try this from the console, and I'm
root when trying.

What am I doing wrong??


"Not all those who wander are lost."  - JRR Tolkien

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