I think that we've drifted a little from the topic, which was more or
less to get a feel for the people on this list and where they are in
their education, not to get in a "university vs. self-teaching"
argument.  Personally I don't think it would be pragmatic for most
Perlers out there to learn enough number theory to write their own
hashing algorithm any more than a contractor needs to understand the
chemical composition of the concrete he pours, and if you'll allow me to
continue the analogy a bit further, it also doesn't mean that he can't
buy the same textbooks and learn that information.  I will admit that
the level of dedication and self-sacrifice required is exceedingly rare,
and I'm stretching the analogy pretty thin anyway, so I'll leave it

>-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tassilo von
>Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 2:51 PM
>To: drieux
>Cc: Perl Perl
>Subject: Re: The True Path to Learning Perl Re: [OT] Education Level

The current set of perl-porters that are able and willing to work on the
core are with not many exceptions people with academic degrees. There
are others as well, but those are usually not responsible for the tricky
bits that do require more than a little bit of self-teaching: you don't
usually self-teach yourself enough number theory that is necessary for
coming up with a sane hashing-algorithm or random number generator. A
self-taught programmer will most definitely not be able to understand
(let alone create) a regular expression engine. The things to be
considered when crafting a memory allocater are usually beyond the
things an autodidact has picked up. It's stuff that can be found in the
old venerable computer-science text books that are recommended in
academic circles.

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