> I wrote a Perl script that runs a query against a MySQL db to 
> get a list of customer email 
> addresses. This script then takes a full email for input and 
> rewrites the 'To' header and 
> sends it with qmail-inject for each email address from the 
> db. I have an alias set up in 
> qmail that pipes anything sent through it into this script 
> that I wrote. This setup works 
> just fine, except when an email address no longer exists. The 
> MTA of the server where the 
> email no longer exists sends the failure notice to 
> alias@<myhost> instead of to 
> <originalsender>@<myhost>. Does anyone know why this is? 

Something in the headers I bet. What do the qmail logs say?
Is your script modifying the headers at all?

> Also, does anyone see any ways I 
> could optimize my script? My script is below.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use DBI();

Just do use DBI;        

> my $counter = 0;
> my @email;
> my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=<db>;host=<ip>", 


> "<username>", "<password>", 
> {'RaiseError' => 1});
> my $query = "SELECT fname, lname, homeemail, officeemail FROM 
> people WHERE current=1"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); 

Instead of the prepare, execute, finish dance you could try one of 
the variouse versions of selectall_*

I like to do this usually:

for(@{$dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT foo,bar FROM JoeMama WHERE BenDover=0")}) {
        my ($foo,$bar) = @{$_};
Process record here

You can do that with a heash ref like you're using here.

Simplfies it a bit for easier debugging, etc..

> $sth->execute();



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