Please bottom post....

> I got it. I never thought indentation could cause sendmail to mess up. 
>  As a beginner, I need you try
> everything possible to know their pros and cons. Next time - I may 
> consider using a CPAN module.
>  :-)
> Thanks

I would disagree here, as a beginner you should worry about the
importance of *your code* and let those that have come before you (and
failed before you) provide you with the pieces such to remove unneeded
complexity.  While I agree that attempting to code, what someone else
may have already accomplished, is a worthy way to learn, using code for
anything remotely important that you are learning with is probably not a
good idea, at least in the case that there is already a module available.

The problem (and you are not the first to have it) is not understanding
the complexity involved in a particular process up front, e-mail is
incredibly complex, and sendmail is incredibly complex on top of that so
you were inevitably going to hit some obscure bug eventually.  So the
best answer is use a module when one is available, if you want to
*learn* how something is handled then rather than poke around yourself
guessing and testing, instead go to the module source! That is the
beauty of this open source model!  The other nice thing is that by
piecing together other people's work, you will gain a familarity with
respect to interface design, encapsulation, etc. so that you don't have
to fail in the same way others have failed before (aka they had to
change things to make them work).

<snip old post>

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