On Dec 9, 2003, at 4:12 PM, Dan Anderson wrote:

Well, I was planning to implement the file transfers using Net::FTP or
something similar to keep the problems down. But I want every node to
be able to talk to other nodes, i.e. each node be able to send every
other node a request to download a file and put it in directory ____.
There will be one daemon functioning as the master to regulate, which
will provide a database with the IP addresses and port/sockets the other
daemons are listening on.

Could every box but the main one be running an FTP server and then you only have to write the master script? I'm just throwing out ideas, to see if anything sparks. This one is probably too clumsy though, if you want to be able to trigger moves from the non-master boxes.

Doesn't sound to me like your getting out of this one easy, so the suggestion to go for a framework like POE is looking better and better, I would think.

And again, Network Programming with Perl covers all this and much more.


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