Dan Muey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello group.
> I'm tryign to do a perl -e '' command and am wondering if it is 
> possible to do single quotes inside the single quotes.
> IE
> perl -e 'print "joe's mama";'
> Obvo=iously won't work
> perl -e 'print "joe\'s mama";'
> And any other versions of \\' all fail.
> Is there a way to use a single quote inside a single quoted -e command?
> Using a different character would just cause the same problem but with 
> different characters right?

I've had this problem too, specifically when trying to run perl inside a Korn
shell script.  The following, though, will work for you on Win32 or *nix

    $ perl -e '$q=chr(0x27);print "joe${q}s mama"'
    joe's mama


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