On Dec 11, 2003, at 9:30 AM, Eric Walker wrote: [..]
yes( "hello" "goodbye"

     ( (one 2) (two 3) (three 4)
     (( mon 1) (tues 2) (wed 3)
     ((jan 1) (feb 2) (march 3)
The question of course is whether that 'ordering'
is important, or can you just use a hash?

IF you do not really need to know about the
paren count then don't count it. IF you
know that your generalized date is going to
be of the form

(<word> <num>)

then your word_num regEx would look like

        my $word_num = qr/\( # our opening paren
                \)/ix; # our closing paren

I use the 'x' option to lay it out pretty like that.

then the rest is a walker

        while ( <INFO1> ) {
                next if (/^\s*$/); # no need empty lines
                s/^\s+//; # kill leaing lines
                my $line = $_; # now we have a line to play with
                while ( $line =~ /$word_num(.*)/)
                        $hash{$1} = $2; # our $word_num pattern fetched these
                        $line = $3; # for everything else there is (.*)
        while (my ($k, $v) = each %hash)
                print "$k -> $v\n";



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