On Dec 13, 2003, at 10:01 AM, Wiggins d'Anconia wrote: [..
A decent template, any gurus have improvements?

my stock gag, looks like:

my $opt = parse_cmd_line_options();
# These are the Subs for the parse_cmd_line_options.
# The Usage Command so that we can use a common interface to
# handle both the cases where we want to show some basic detailed
# information with a '--help' query, as well as to exit out of
# the parse_cmd_line_options wrapper for Getopt::Long if we have
# problems with user generated commands.

sub Usage
        my($msg, $retval, @list) = @_;

print "$msg\n" if ($msg);

print "Usage: $0 [-i|-x|-c|--kadb] [-f <alt_file>] [-d <sysname>]\n";
if ( @list ) {
print " the full optins list is:\n";
print "\t$_\n" foreach (@list);

# where we wrap the Getopt::Long and resolve which arguments
# work and play well with other command line arguments.
# <editorialize on the what this version does or does not do
sub parse_cmd_line_options
        my $ref = {};

        $ref->{'delete'} = [];
        # more editorializing
        $ref->{'add'} = [] ;

                # this also doubles as the flash guide. in Usage
        my @list = qw/

       my @config_args = qw/bundling/;

my $results = GetOptions($ref, @list) ;

Usage('Problem with Input Arguments',1,@list) unless ($results);

Usage('The General Help',0,@list) if ($ref->{'help'});

        # now to create the action station section

                #sort out other gory details about the which arguments
                #should or should not be dealt with

$ref ;

} # end of parse_cmd_line_options

This dog has soldiered on in one variant or another...

vladimir: 41:] ./db_tool.plx --kadb
option: help
we have the following options:
        add  [sysname config_host] -> add sysname and config_host to db
        delete [sysname ]          -> delete sysname from db
        show_sysnames              -> list current sysnames in db
        config_host                -> get config_host for sysname in db
        export                     -> export db to file
        import                     -> import file to db
        q|exit|quit                -> exit kadb

option: q
vladimir: 42:]

the '--kadb' started out as a bad JOKE, I whined at
myMostGloriousLeader that just for him, I would offer
up a 'kryptic command line interface with short and
arcane syntax, you know, just like kadb....' IT
HURTS when one stops laughing and has to implement
it in a rush because, well, one just needs it down and dirty,
but it has to work...

I went with the 'bundling' approach so that the
'oldGuy' *nix freaks would be 'happy' while the
gnuSters would be able to wander the plains with
their --help and the like...



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