The Config::General module can read Apache-style config files. You should then be able 
to compare the contents of the files by comparing the hash tables returned by 

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Dusan Juhas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Mon 12/15/2003 2:09 AM 
        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: advanced diff in Perl

        is there any library/utility which can help me to compare 2 different
        config files (eg. Apache, PHP)?
        I'd like to see _only_ parameters which are missing either in
        config_file1 or config_file2 and those parameters which are different.
        Standard diff can not make this. (comments,white chars...)
        Enhanced diff:
        1.replace comments (awk/sed)
        2.sort lines
        3.diff -b
        is better but still not sufficient because some parameters are multi-lined:
        myparam = This is my \
        long setting
        and some of them are within specific context:
        mysetting = 1
        mysetting = 2
        Best regards,
        Dusan Juhas
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