On 12/15/2003 3:29 PM, Wiggins d Anconia wrote:


Just wondering what IDE/editor folks use for their Perl work ?

I am on OS X but I use a Java-based editor called jedit, which is available on W32 as well, I guess.

It supports syntax highlightning, plus it's Freeware and there are lots of nice add-ons!


FWIW, I am a big fan of emacs and vim, both do syntax highlighting. Emacs is a little more arcane, but if you are comfortable with vi, then vim makes a good choice. www.vim.org, its a winner for a simple editor that doesn't get in your way and is available on windows, mac, and *nix.



I thought it was illegal to be a fan of both Vim and emacs? Personally
I am a Vim user.... though have known a couple of nice emacs users,
though they looked kinda funny ;-)...

Hey, I resemble that remark.

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