Kevin Old wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Well, I already use HTML::Mason as a templating engine and everything is
> fine.  What I need is a way to generate HTML 4.01 compliant HTML.
> Basically taking the concept of, but keeping the resulting HTML
> up to date with the HTML specifications.  For example, if you use
> or write a table by hand without the width parameter of the table the
> HTML validator at will not validate your HTML.

That doesn't really seem to be software problem.  Better authoring software would
probably just not let you complete the table insertion without this critical
specification.  It might offer the convenience of a best-guess default, but that is
really all it should do, since table width is intrinsically a design decision.  I
found this out the hard way.

For years I wondered why my tables always came out funky in Netscape.  Then I
relaized that it just wanted that overall parameter before it could crunch the
internal dimensions of a table.  The tables where I had specified width came out
nicely.  Better to just give the spec.  HTML is very flexible, accepting width as
absolute pixels or relative percentages of screen width.

I know this is just one example, but if that is indicative of the demands made by
4.1, I'd suggest just going with the flow and learning from the error messages.
HTML is still a very approachable language.  Just as, with Perl, you keep chipping
away at your errors until it compoiles cleanly, working with your HTML till it
passes muster will simply add more skills to your toolkit.  It may also inform your


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