John Hennessy wrote:
> Hi, I have two different hashes built from separate data and need to
> find the common then differing items.
> $HoA1{$custnum} = [ $uid, $firstname, $lastname ];
> $HoA2{$uid} = [ $custnum, $firstname, $lastname ];
> I have looked at examples for "Finding Common or Different Keys in Two
> Hashes" but the keys must be the same.
> To make the keys the same I would like to effect a reverse function but
> only reversing the key and the first value leaving the remaining array
> items in place.

Hi John.

I would start by pulling out the lists of Customer Numbers and User IDs
from the two hashes like this:

  my @custnum1 = keys %HoA1;
  my @uid1 = map { $Hoa1{$_}[0] } @custnum1;

  my @uid2 = keys %HoA1;
  my @custnum2 = map { $Hoa1{$_}[0] } @uid2;

Then you only have the job of finding differences and commonalities
between @custnum1/@custnum2 and @uid1/@uid2.



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