> This is my first attempt to compile a module downloaded from the web.  The
> instructions in the 'readme' file are:
> Extract the archive.  Then run the following commands.
> perl Makefile.PL
> make
> make install
> I didn't have make, so I installed a perl module called make, that runs
> pmake.  Below are the results from my attempt.
> ##############
> C:\Temp\ARSperl-1.81>perl makefile.pl
> Building against perl 5.008001
> Generating support.h file..
>         Processing AR_STRUCT_ITEM codes..
>         Processing AR_SERVER_STAT codes..
>         Processing AR_SCHEMA codes..
>         Processing AR_COM_PARM codes..
>         Processing AR_COM_METHOD codes..
>         Processing AR_ACTIVE_LINK_ACTION codes..
>         Processing AR_CHAR_MENU codes..
>         Processing AR_FILTER_ACTION codes..
>         Processing AR_MENU_REFRESH codes..
>         Processing AR_PERMISSIONS (Schema) codes..
>         Processing AR_PERMISSIONS (Field) codes..
>         Processing AR_DATA_TYPE codes..
>         Processing AR_BYTE_LIST codes..
>         Processing AR_NO_MATCH codes..
>         Processing AR_MULTI_MATCH codes..
>         Processing AR_RETURN codes..
>         Processing AR_FUNCTION codes..
>         Processing AR_KEYWORD codes..
>         Processing AR_SERVER_INFO codes..
> Generating serverTypeInfoHints.h ..
> Converting C header files to perl modules ..
> Configuring with options:
>         ARSVERSION  = 4.52
>         ARSAPI      = /remedy/api_folder/api
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lar
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lnsl
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for oldnames.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for kernel32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for user32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for gdi32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for winspool.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for comdlg32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for advapi32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for shell32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for ole32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for oleaut32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for netapi32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for uuid.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for wsock32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for mpr.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for winmm.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for version.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for odbc32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for odbccp32.lib
> Note (probably harmless): No library found for msvcrt.lib
> Writing Makefile for ARS
> === ARSperl 'make test' configuration. ===
> Please enter the following information. This information will be recorded
> in ./t/config.cache
> If you want to skip the 'make test' step, just hit ENTER three times. You
> can configure it later by either re-running 'perl Makefile.PL' or by
> editting ./t/config.cache
> Fair warning: you probably don't want to run 'make test' against a
> production ARSystem server.
> Server Name []: mysever
> Admin Username []: Test
> Admin Password []: test
> Type 'make' (windows: 'nmake') to build ARSperl.
> Type 'make test' to test ARSperl before installing.
> Type 'make install' to install ARSperl.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> C:\Temp\ARSperl-1.81>pmake
> Reading C:/Perl/site/lib/Make.pm
> Reading C:\Temp\ARSperl-1.81\makefile
> Cannot recurse Make - no target C:\Perl\lib^ in C:/Temp/ARSperl-1.81 at
> C:/Perl/site/lib/Make.pm line 454.
> C:\Temp\ARSperl-1.81>
> #####################
> Any ideas what the "Cannot recurse Make" error is for ?  Am I doing this
> correctly ?

You need 'nmake' to build modules under Windows. Get nmake 1.5 from here:


Unless you already have it as part of Visual Studio.



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