Thanks I was able to use a for loop and just  do a $cnt + N to access
any locations that I needed, that I have not iterated on.

Thanks...all for your help

On Fri, 2003-12-19 at 07:24, James Edward Gray II wrote:
    On Dec 19, 2003, at 7:59 AM, Rob Dixon wrote:
    > That's fair enough, as long as you have a consistent convention. I
    > use
    > and
    >   foreach (LIST)
    > unless the list has only one element, when I use
    >   for (EXPRESSION)
    > to alias $_ with the expression for the extent of the block.
    Just to throw another log on the fire:  I do my foreach (LIST) as Rob 
    does above, unless I'm using my own variable and then because I like 
    the way it reads I change it to:
    for my $var (LIST)
    Ah, programmers and their little rules.  :D
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