> Hai David,
> I don't where you tried this 
> have you tried this in NT or in UNIX?
> $a="jaffer^";
> $a=~s/\^M//; This works in NT
> print $a;
> But it wont works in Unix.

Sure it does: 
(unless you're talking goofy data of a binary hexy sort of thing, 
which you might be since I completely missed this post ;p )

perl -Mstrict -we 'my $v = "HI^MHI";print "$v\n";$v =~ s/\^M//;print "$v\n";'

If you just want to kill the carat and not necessariy 'carat uppercase M' just do

You might want to add a g so it gets them all.


> Try this way in Unix $a=~s/\015//g; 
> Let me know if any....
> Thank you
> jaffer

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