Matthew Glidden wrote:

> Just started working on scripts and wanted to compare strings yesterday,
> but using strEQ (or strcmp) gets me an undefined method error. What
> library should I "use" in my script to get those API? Couldn't find the
> answer in any on-line tutorials.

strEQ is a C API for writing C extension for Perl. usage is straight 

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use Inline 'C';

printf("'ab' and '12' is %s\n",
        compareTwoString("ab","12") ? "same" : "different");

printf("'xx' and 'xx' is %s\n",
        compareTwoString("xx","xx") ? "same" : "different");

bool compareTwoString(char* s1,char* s2){
        bool r;
        r = strEQ(s1,s2);
        return r;


'ab' and '12' is different
'xx' and 'xx' is same

but if you are coding in Perl, you don't need to use this function. use 
'eq','ne','cmp','gt','ge','le' and 'le' instead. i am almost certain that 
you are looking at the wrong doc as a beginner. you should be looking at:

perldoc perlop

sub'_{print"@_ ";* \ = * __ ,\ & \}
sub'__{print"@_ ";* \ = * ___ ,\ & \}
sub'___{print"@_ ";* \ = * ____ ,\ & \}

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