Duong Nguyen wrote:
> Hello everyone,


> Sorry for the spam,

Why do you think that this is spam?

> I am new to Perl and am having a hard time manipulating
> arrays.  Below is the sample code that I am working on:

You should have warnings and strictures enabled while you are developing
your program.

use warnings;
use strict;

> @array1[0..5] = 1;

You are assigning a single value to an array slice.  This means that
$array[0] gets the value 1 and $array[1] through $array[5] get the value
undef.  It also means that the values in $array[6] through
$array[$#array] are not affected by the assignment.  If this is the
first time that you are using @array then you need to assign a list of
six ones to the varaible @array.

my @array = ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 );

Or, less error prone:

my @array = ( 1 ) x 6;

Or even (ick):

my @array = map 1, 0 .. 5;

> @total[0] = 0;

An array slice again!  Perhaps you meant:

my $total = 0;

> for($i=0; $i<4; $i++)

In perl, that is usually written as:

for my $i ( 0 .. 3 )

But you are only totaling the first four elements of @array and the
array has at least six elements.

> {
>      if($i == 0)

You don't need a special case for the zero element as perl uses

>      {
>           @total[$i] = @array1[$i];
>           print @total[$i];

You are using array slices where you should be using scalars.

           $total[$i] = $array1[$i];
           print $total[$i];

>      }
>      else
>      {
>           $j = $i - 1;
>           @total[$i] = @total[$j] + @array1[$i];
>           print @total[$i];

Again, you are using array slices where you should be using scalars.

           $total[$i] = $total[$j] + $array1[$i];
           print $total[$i];

>      }
>  }
> This code would work in C/C++,

No, the algorithm is wrong.

> but with Perl, instead of adding up the
> previous values, the array "Total" seems to treat the integer value as
> a string and join them together.

No, it is just printing '1' each time through the loop.

> So instead of ending up with 4 as my
> resulting total, I instead get 1111.

That is because you are printing '1' four times.

> I know this is a rather dumb
> question, but any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

my @array = ( 1 ) x 6;

my $total = 0;

$total += $_ for @array[ 0 .. 3 ]; # now is a GOOD time for an array

print "$total\n";

use Perl;

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