James Taylor wrote:
ok, well I ended up dropping the regex and splitting the strings and re-building them after being inspired by another thread.


my $str="text <!---begin--->
text to
be replac

my $repl="replacement text";
my ($a,$b)=split('<!---begin--->',$str);
my ($c,$d)=split('<!---end--->',$b);

I'd still like to know if you can do this via regex however.

On Jan 2, 2004, at 5:38 PM, James Taylor wrote:

I'm trying to parse a bit out of an HTML file, where the formatting could change daily as far as spaces/newlines go. Say for example I have something like this:

<p>Hello this is juts an example</p>
<p><!---begin---><a href="nowhere.com">blahahahaha</a>
</p><a href="
</p><!---end--->Hello world</body>

$repl="Replacement Text";

$str =~ s/\<!---begin---\>.+?\<!---end---\>/$repl/im;

Well, that doesn't work.

Any suggestions on this one? I thought /m was supposed to make regex's span multiple lines, which seems to be the problem here, as :

print "good\n" if $str =~ /<!---begin--->.+?<!---end--->/mi

comes up with nothing, though I am able to match them on their own. Thanks

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put an 's' switch for mulitple line s/TEXT/REPLACE/is

do a "perldoc perlre" for better help


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