> I have successfully extracted the data I need and I am attempting to write
> the data into rows in excel.

well, there is  wonderful (as most of them:-) CPAN Module called:
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel that allows you to write in excel files, create 
additional worksheets and that sort of stuff.

There is also a module (alpha) called DBI::Excel which allows you to use the 
DBI Interface on Excel sheets quering in SQL if you like that better: 
however, at least up to my knowledge it doesent support multiple worksheets.

My favourite method  to export data to excel or something else is nevertheless 
using printf and "\t" to write tab delimited files which you might find 
importable basically everywhere.

> I would like to loop through the data starting with customer number and
> continue until I reach another customer number, at which time I would like
> to start a new row.
> I have included the sample data (results from extraction) as a attachment.

I didnt find your privious thread so i might leave the calls of either way up 
to someone who knows that code.


ps: hope you arent a cowboys fan....:-/

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