> Hello all,
> I am trying to use Image::Magick to resize a JPEG.  This routine works to 
> display the full size image from a blob in my Firebird database:
>      while ( my ($PixData )
>              = $sth->fetchrow ) {
>              print header('image/jpeg');
>              print $PixData;
>      }
> But when I add the Image::Magick stuff:
>      while ( my (@PixData) = $sth->fetchrow) {
>              my $PixDisp=Image::Magick->new(magick=>'jpg');
>              $PixDisp->BlobToImage(@PixData);
>              $PixDisp->Resize(geometry=>'160x120');
>              print header('image/jpeg');
>              print $PixDisp;
>      }
> I get this:
> Image::Magick=ARRAY(0x82fdee8)
> instead of an image.  Can anyone see my obvious mistake?

You are getting this because $PixDisp holds an Image::Magick object
which can't be stringified as you desire. You need to (it appears) call
the 'Write' method of the object to have it converted to image data. 


Check the above for an example of how to print an image to a filehandle,
in your case you want the default STDOUT....



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