On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 03:05:20PM -0500 Hemond, Steve wrote:

> I just used CPAN for the first time and everything is FINE. :-)
> After the initial configuration setup is done, it suggest me to install
> Bundle::CPAN.
> First of all, what is that module?

It is the very module you were using in this moment (bundled with its
prerequisites, hence it's a 'bundle'). I'd always keep it up-to-date so
it's a good idea to do a 'install Bundle::CPAN'.

> Second of, I have noticed that it installed Readline, so my CPAN shell
> looks like the bash shells (they obviously both use readline). That
> leads me to another question (Aix users listen!) : Why in subshells
> running ftp, telnet, cpan (initially), the backspace does ^H ? I run ksh
> as my default shell but I always got this problem when running these
> programs. Just before I have installed readline for CPAN, my CPAN shell
> was writing ^H's when backspacing.

I don't know. It's certainly not related to Perl in any way.

> Could anyone guide me to a document talking about .pm's? I didn't think
> they were compiled (make)?

Can you be more specific? Those files are Perl modules and thus they are
written in Perl (they are usually the meat of any stuff you download
from the CPAN). That means that these never need to be compiled. Around
95% of the CPAN will not require any compilation. Perl modules written
in (or containing) C need a C-compiler.

As for 'make', this is not doing the compilation, if any. 'make'
processes a Makefile that contains certain rules. It is most often used
for building and installing a piece of software. Most of the modules on
the CPAN contain a file 'Makefile.PL' that - when run - produces a file
called 'Makefile'. After you have that, you can continue with

    make test
    make install

The first line will do any necessary preparations (this could also be
compiling C code when the module contains bits of it). The second line
triggers the rule 'test' which will run any tests enclosed in the
package. The last one finally installs the module.

When you use the cpan shell, all the above happens behind the scenes.
More precisely, in this order:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

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