On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 09:53:56PM -0700 Bryan Harris wrote:

> I've tried everything I can think of, but I feel like a 6th grader trying to
> solve a 7th grade math problem:
> I'm trying to build a "pretty-fier" for any tab-delimited text file
> (basically space-pad the columns so the decimals line up).  I search through
> the columns finding the longest field with and highest precision level for
> each column, then create a format string for the printf command.  The guts
> of it looks like this:
> **************************************
> $formatstr = "";
> $index = 0;
> foreach (@lwid) {
>   $formatstr .= "%$lwid[$index].$lprec[$index]f".'\t';
>   $index++;
> }
> substr($formatstr,-2,2) = "";
> $formatstr .= '\n';
> open(FILE, ">$file$ext") || die("Couldn't create $file$ext: $!\n");
>     foreach (@content) {
>         @fields = split;
>         if (@fields) { printf FILE $formatstr, @fields; }
>         else { print FILE $_; }
>     }
> close(FILE);
> **************************************
> ... but that "printf" spits out actual "\t" and "\n"s.  How can I get the
> printf to interpret those into tabs and newlines?

This is a typical data versus program problem. You have to give perl a
hint that these are escapes and not literal strings. So turn your above
foreach-loop into 

    foreach (@lwid) {
        $formatstr .= "%$lwid[$index].$lprec[$index]f\t";


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