This is what I do..  The only difference I see is that you haven't logged
   my $rmhost = new Net::Telnet (Host => $nodesrch,  Timeout => 100 );
     $rmhost->login($uname_EGATE, $passwd_EGATE);
       $cat_command='cat ./data/journal/chopler';
           print  @cat_result;

"Tim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Try using input_log and output_log when you instantiate your telnet class.
>      $obj = new Net::Telnet ([Binmode    => $mode,]
>                              [Cmd_remove_mode => $mode,]
>                              [Dump_Log   => $filename,]
>                              [Errmode    => $errmode,]
>                              [Fhopen     => $filehandle,]
>                              [Host       => $host,]
>                              [Input_log  => $file,]
>                              [Input_record_separator => $chars,]
>                              [Option_log => $file,]
>                              [Ors        => $chars,]
>                              [Output_log => $file,]
>                              [Output_record_separator => $chars,]
>                              [Port       => $port,]
>                              [Prompt     => $matchop,]
>                              [Rs         => $chars,]
>                              [Telnetmode => $mode,]
>                              [Timeout    => $secs,]);
> This info can be further illustrated by entering 'perldoc
> Net::Telnet'  form the command line.
> At 10:46 AM 1/20/04 +0000, you wrote:
> >Hi ,
> >
> >I am trying to use the Net::Telnet module after installing in my solaris
> >machine.
> >But I am unable to get the output.
> >
> >There is no error messages either.The program just exists.
> >Could you help me out on this please...
> >
> >#!/usr/bin/perl -w
> >use Net::Telnet ();
> >
> >$t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 1000,
> >                       Port   => 8667);
> >$t->open("");
> >
> >@output = $t->cmd("01244530112");
> >print @output;
> >
> >----------------
> >
> >regards,
> >
> >Ajitpal Singh,
> >Wipro Technologies.
> >Finchley,London.
> >Tel:044 208 495 6317
> >Mobile:07900534143
> >
> >

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