> Hi 
> I have the following script that sucks in a file and converts 
> unix timestamp to human readable.. 
> The Goal is to do a search and replace of unix time to the 
> format i need. But I'm just trying to get it to print in the 
> format i need first...
> I cant get localtime to print in "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss" , I 
> keep getting it like so "Sun Dec 28 03:35:19 2003"

That's what it returns in scalra context.
You can call it in array context and get the specifc values you want.
You may have to modify them a bit ( add 1900 to the year for instance)

Take a look at perldoc -f localtime to seee which parts of the array are which values 
you want in which format.



> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> # 
> #my $timestring = localtime();
> open (FILE, "ip.txt") || die ("Open Failed: $!\n");
> my @lines = <FILE>; # file into array
> foreach (@lines) {
> next if /^S/;
> next if /^-/;
> my @line = split(/\t/, $_);
> my @time = split(/\n/, $line[0]);
>         foreach (@time) {
> my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime($_);
> # need to print like mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss
>                 my $timestring = localtime($_);
> # but prints like "Sun Dec 28 03:35:19 2003"
>                 print "$timestring\n";
>         }
> }
> close FILE;
> #
> more ip.txt:
> Start   header   header
> -----   -----   -----   
> 1072611319      rrr   rrrr      rrrr
> 1072611319      rrr   rrrr      rrrr              
> 1072611319      rrr   rrrr      rrrr              
> 1072611319      rrr   rrrr      rrrr 
> Thanks
> Rob
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