> I know that each block always starts with and A in the first position of
> the first line and ends with a T in the last position of the last line.

isnt it a T in the first position of the last row of the set?

> I know that the second line starts with a B, and the data in the 5th space
> on this line is the e-mail address, which is what I ultimately want.
> However,...

only line with a B in the bigining in set?

> I am trying to get a list of email addresses for people who have ordered
> products that begin with ADV.  These can appear in multiple I lines.
> Therefore you can never predict how many lines make up 1 order block.

What about:

#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my @email;

open (FH, "<complex.txt") or die "$!";

local $/ = "\nA,"; # make \nA, the record seperator

while(<FH>){       # read the next record
  my @fields = split ",|\n", $_;           # split at , or \n
  my $b_index;                                # 0 for every new record
  for (my $i=0; $i<=$#fields; $i++){
     if ($fields[$i] eq "B") {$b_index=$i; next;}
     elsif ($fields[$i] =~ /^ADV_.*/) {push @email, $fields[$b_index+4]; 

works on the sample you provided.

$/ (see perlvar) is the record seperator, usually \n.

If really T would be the last char i the last row of the set, you could use "T
\n" as $/
The way I do it assumes that the first and only first line of each set beginns 
with an A (and falsly buts that A at the end of the privious record, but 
doesnt matter for the aim her, does it?)

The push assumes that there are always exactly 5 records between B and email 
and that this is the only line with a B in record (and comes before the lines 
with ADV_

lot of assumtions.

Im sure there is better ways to do that - might be a strat, though.

> "Online ordering is now available. Visit http://insidersadvantage.com for
> details."

Uh, given from your question, I better dont,, eh?

Good luck, Wolf

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