On Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:24:24 -0000
"Singh, Ajit p" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Owen for your reply.
> that was a typo, however i m getting the below error message now..
> $t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10,
>                         Input_log => $inlogfileg,
>                         Output_log => $outlogfile,
>                         Telnetmode => 1,
>                         dump_log => $dmplog,
>                         Timeout => $secs,
>                      Prompt => 'W9-BAS-01');
>                              #    Prompt => '/bash\$ $/');
> $t->open("hostname");
> Error message:
> ignoring bad Prompt argument "W9-BAS-01": missing opening delimiter of match
> operator at Bastelnet.pl line 12

Please don't reply to me personally, reply to the list.

Try something like this

my $t = Net::Telnet->new(Host=>"hostname",
                        Dump_log=>$dump_log); # assign $dump_log

$t->waitfor('/W9-BAS-01/') || die "bad $1";
$t->print ("$whatever");

Read perdoc Net::Telnet

Read the dumplog, it often contains clues as to what is happening


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