
   This is with regard to deploying Perl on Windows CE.

My hardware setup consists of an Intel Celeron Processor, an i830M4
chipset Intel motherboard and I am running WindowsCE .Net 4.2 here. The
board is targeted at Notebook devices. This is acting as my Windows CE
device while I am using a WinXP machine with Microsoft Platform Builder
4.2 to build the WinCE .Net 4.2 and deploy it on the above device.

Now I need to run Perl scripts on WinCE on this device. 

I tried with resources from the Internet which largely consists of links
to 'PerlCE' developed by Rainer Keuchel for WinCE 2.11. But this is not
working on my system. Various ways of trying to deploy it are failing. 
I even tried with another find 'Microperl' but with the same result.

I need to know:

1.  Are there any readily available Perl binaries for WinCE .Net 4.2 ?
2.  Can anyone provide the essential guidelines to adapt 'PerlCE' or
'Microperl' to the above system?
3.  Is there any way to make relevant changes in the original Perl source
files to build the Perl package for my system?

Any useful leads would be highly appreciated.


Ayushman Dutta

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