> Hi all,
> $sth->{LongReadLen} = 30000;  #what's the statement doing ? And from where
> to find out what all parameters are available to statement handle ?
> my ($id_prod);
> my $sqlstmt = <<"EOM";
> SELECT        
> id_prod
> FROM  
> product 
>       my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Oracle:' . $SID, $USERNAME, $PASSWORD)||
> die $DBI::errstr;
>       my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstmt);
>       $sth->{LongReadLen} = 30000;  
>       $sth->execute();        
>       $sth->bind_columns(undef, \($id_prod)) ; #where do i find detials of
> function bind_columns OR what is bind_columns doing over here ?

perldoc DBI 

that should explain everything. Alternatively you can look on
http://search.cpan.org for the DBI docs in web form. There is also a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list, but don't post there until you have read the
docs several times and haven't found what you are looking for as they
are very thorough.


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