
With this sample data set, I have a different question. How can I rearrange columns such as this:

col1    col4    col5    col2    col6    col3
Abc     12.8    8       left    1       15.7
Def     13.8    9       top     0       19.7
gef     14.8    9       left    0       19.7
Dgf     12.3    9       right   4       99.6
cef     16.8    4       right   0       89.7
baf     32.8    7       bottom  5       79.8
efg     16.8    5       right   0       56.7
etg     12.8    2       left    7       34.7

col1    col2    col3    col4    col5    col6
Abc     left    15.7    12.8    8       1
Def     top     19.7    13.8    9       0
gef     left    19.7    14.8    9       0
Dgf     right   99.6    12.3    9       4
cef     right   89.7    16.8    4       0
baf     bottom  79.8    32.8    7       5
efg     right   56.7    16.8    5       0
etg     left    34.7    12.8    2       7

I thought one way to do it is to transpose the array, sort _ColumnName_, then transpose it back. Is this right way to do it?



At 07:50 PM 1/29/2004 -0500, Hanson, Rob wrote:
I have to run, otherwise I would elaborate a bit.

The code is below.  Check out the "perldoc perlreftut" for what the
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "@{$row}", and "$a->[2]" means.  Check out "perldoc -f sort" for
what the "sort {...} @rows" means.  And of course ask questions if you get
stuck (but take a look at the docs first).

############ THE CODE ############

my @rows;

while (my $line = <DATA>) {
  my @cols = split(/\s+/, $line);
  push @rows, [EMAIL PROTECTED];

print "Sorted on 5th column:\n";
@rows = sort {$a->[4] <=> $b->[4]} @rows;

foreach my $row (@rows) {
  print "@{$row}\n";

print "Sorted on 3rd column:\n";
@rows = sort {$a->[2] <=> $b->[2]} @rows;

foreach my $row (@rows) {
  print "@{$row}\n";

Abc 12.8 8 "left" 1 15.7
Def  13.8 9 "top" 0 19.7
gef  14.8 9 "left" 0 19.7
Dgf  12.3 9 "right" 4 99.6
cef  16.8 4 "right" 0 89.7
baf  32.8 7 "bottom" 5 79.8
efg  16.8 5 "right" 0 56.7
etg  12.8 2 "left" 7 34.7

############ THE OUTPUT ############

$ perl sort.pl
Sorted on 5th column:
efg 16.8 5 "right" 0 56.7
Def 13.8 9 "top" 0 19.7
gef 14.8 9 "left" 0 19.7
cef 16.8 4 "right" 0 89.7
Abc 12.8 8 "left" 1 15.7
Dgf 12.3 9 "right" 4 99.6
baf 32.8 7 "bottom" 5 79.8
etg 12.8 2 "left" 7 34.7
Sorted on 3rd column:
etg 12.8 2 "left" 7 34.7
cef 16.8 4 "right" 0 89.7
efg 16.8 5 "right" 0 56.7
baf 32.8 7 "bottom" 5 79.8
Abc 12.8 8 "left" 1 15.7
Dgf 12.3 9 "right" 4 99.6
Def 13.8 9 "top" 0 19.7
gef 14.8 9 "left" 0 19.7

-----Original Message----- From: Boon Chong Ang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 7:38 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: sort


I want to write a perl script to do something like this

Abc 12.8 8 "left" 1 15.7

Def 13.8 9 "top" 0 19.7

gef 14.8 9 "left" 0 19.7

Dgf 12.3 9 "right" 4 99.6

cef 16.8 4 "right" 0 89.7

baf 32.8 7 "bottom" 5 79.8

efg 16.8 5 "right" 0 56.7

etg 12.8 2 "left" 7 34.7

Just say I want to sort the row based on the value on fifth or third column,
any advice how to do so?

Thank you & best regards,


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