John W. Krahn wrote:
> Chetak Sasalu wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> Hello,
> > I have to search and replace 'foo' to 'bar' in all the files in a
> > directory(has subdirectories).
> > The files are about 40k in size.
> >
> > On the command line I would do it as,
> > find ./mydir/ -type f -print | xargs perl -pi -e  's/foo/bar/'
> >
> > No backup of the original files required.I am brave.
> >
> > What is the most efficient way to implement this inside a perl program ?
> > There are about 30 files to be processed.
> > I went through  perldoc perlrun and saw the code.
> >
> > I thought it as a criminal waste of time to try and modify that code for
> > my purpose, when I can ask you folks :-)
> use File::Find;
> local ( $^I, @ARGV ) = '';
> find( { no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { -f and push @ARGV, $_ } }, './mydir' );
> s/foo/bar/g, print while <>;

Thanks John.

I missed the 'has subdirectories'.


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