Harshal Borade wrote:

>I certainly appreciate the pain you have gone through
>in writing that mail, but I haven't understood about
>"perldoc -f my". I went through a book , How to Perl
>5, last night. And it says that every variable
>declared gets into main, a default package. To avoid
>the namespace pollution it says that, its a good way
>to hide names from collision.
>Tell me if I have misunderstood it.
>Well infact if u could send me a a small code which
>uses the perl -f doc or the later thing mentioned by
>you, would help me a lot.

"perldoc -f my" refers to Perl's built-in documentation. You can enter this command at 
your prompt to get a description of my ("perldoc -f grep" gives a description of grep 

But you already got several descriptions (as well as the output of perldoc -f my on 
this list), including mine.

I do not see your problem.

- Jan
If all else fails read the instructions. - Donald Knuth

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