What are you expecting the user to enter as a requirement to filter the

I think what you want is to make the expression *less* generic.  Ie,
make it specific
to how your users enter filter requirements.

If this is so, please elaborate.

-----Original Message-----
From: N, Guruguhan (GEAE, Foreign National, EACOE)
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2004 11:29 PM
To: David le Blanc
Subject: RE: data filtering

               Once again I thank for your valuable suggestion. One more
help I need from you. I would like to know how can I make this part of
your code more generic?

# I want to filter according to the following spec:
my $expr = "x1 > 0.2 && x1 < 0.3 && y1 > 0.8 && y3 > 15000 && y3 <

As this is going to be supplied by user, I will not know information
about filters beforehand. The filters can be typically anything. I would
like to know, how can I group all the filters into a single variable
($expr) as you have done, if the filter expression keeps changing?

I hope I am clear to you. Please help me out to do this also.

EACoE, India.
* - *91-80-5031516
* - *901-1516 ( Dial Com)

-----Original Message-----
From: David le Blanc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 10:02 AM
To: N, Guruguhan (GEAE, Foreign National, EACOE); [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: data filtering

Aha.   The problem here is 
*how do I implement a parser to process a table of data based on a user
supplied query*

Ok, look at the following:-


use strict;                     - matter of style
use warnings;           - and again

# This DATASET has the following columns, with these names in this
my @col = qw( x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 y4 );

# Fabricate a set of functions (subs) in the 'filter' name space which
parallel # the column names, and enchant each with the ability to look
up a data element.
# Note the use of 'my $i=$_' This tweaks some magic in perl and causes
the automatically # generated functions to be *closures* and not just
normal functions.  

map{ my $i=$_; no strict 'refs'; *{"filter::$col[$i]"} = sub{$_->[$i]} }

# This is your data set.  If you want 'line number as the first col
remember to add it to # '@col' above.

my @data=(
   [qw(   0.200000   0.200000   0.200000   0.765685    75881.9
29289.3 -46592.6)],
   [qw(   0.200345   0.200000   0.200345   0.966661    75766.0
29268.4 -46497.6)],
   [qw(   0.200000   0.200345   0.200000   0.766030    75867.1
29259.8 -46607.4)],
   [qw(   0.359575   0.253987   0.359575   1.271019    43898.7
19675.6 -24223.1)],
   [qw(   0.359921   0.253987   0.359921   1.271995    43861.3
19666.1 -24195.2)]

# Perform filtering.  First parameter is a $coderef which is passed to
GREP for the # actual filtering task.
sub filterdata($@)
        my $cref=shift;
        grep &$cref,@_

# Build the coderef for the specified data filter.  The (only) parameter
is the # text string 'x1 > 5'  etc.
sub filterspec
        my $e = shift;
        map{ $e =~ s/\b$_\b/filter::$_()/g } @col;
        eval "sub{ $e }"

# Here goes.......

# I want to filter according to the following spec:
my $expr = "x1 > 0.2 && x1 < 0.3 && y1 > 0.8 && y3 > 15000 && y3 <

# Compile the spec into a handler... The DIE will catch errors compiling
the filter.
# This usually occurs because you do silly things, call non-existent
functions, or # use column names which don't exist.

my $filter_handler = filterspec( $expr ) or die $@;

# Perform the filter using the handler.
my @result = filterdata $filter_handler,@data;

# Display the table of results.
print join("$/",map{join(" ",@$_)[EMAIL PROTECTED]).$/;

This outputs one row:
0.200345 0.200000 0.200345 0.966661 75766.0 29268.4 -46497.6

Now remember. I fiddled the data and expression so they that WOULD match
one line.  Your sample data matched nothing.

How does this help?  I'm sorry if it is less readable than the specific
implementation of a particular filter.

Thanks Mr.David for the response. 
I want the same logic in a generalized manner, because the conditions
keep changing as the data changes. Also in each condition string, the
delimiters  can be anything (like  <, >, <=, >=, or =). Hence I would
like to have a more generalized way.  

Your solution has given me a way to think further ahead. Further help in
this regard is solicited. 

EACoE, India.

-----Original Message-----
From: David le Blanc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 6:34 PM
To: N, Guruguhan (GEAE, Foreign National, EACOE); [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: data filtering


Can I assume you have the data in memory?
Can I further assume the data is contained in an array of arrays?
Can I also further assume that the conditions you mentioned are AND'd?
  the final result is the intersection of all conditions?)

Thus $data[0][0] = 0.200000 (aka, X1 from row 1)

Consider the following:  (purposely written in readable perl)

my @filtered = ();
for( @data ){
        push @filtered,$_ if
                $$_[0] > 0.2 && $$_[0] < 0.3 &&     # 0.2 < x1 < 0.3
                $$_[3] > 0.8 &&                   # y1 > 0.8
                $$_[5] > 15000 && $$_[5] < 30000;   # 15000 < y3 < 30000

[EMAIL PROTECTED] data contains filtered result result.

Is that what you were thinking of?


David le Blanc

Senior Technical Specialist             
I d e n t i t y   S o l u t i o n s     
Level 1, 369 Camberwell Road, Melbourne, Vic 3124       
Ph 03 9813 1388 Fax 03 9813 1688 Mobile 0417 595 550

-----Original Message-----
From: N, Guruguhan (GEAE, Foreign National, EACOE)
Sent: Monday, 16 February 2004 10:47 PM
Subject: data filtering

Hi All,
          I have a data set ( only a portion) as follows:
   No.     x1         x2         x3        y1          y2        y3
   1   0.200000   0.200000   0.200000   0.765685    75881.9    29289.3
   2   0.200345   0.200000   0.200345   0.766661    75766.0    29268.4
   3   0.200000   0.200345   0.200000   0.766030    75867.1    29259.8
   4   0.359575   0.253987   0.359575   1.271019    43898.7    19675.6
   5   0.359921   0.253987   0.359921   1.271995    43861.3    19666.1

This data set has to be filtered using the following conditions (
example only. in reality this can be anything):

0.2 < x1 < 0.3
y1 > 0.8
15000 < y3 < 30000

I have to filter the data set satisfying all the conditions. 

Can somebody help me out to do the same. Any help in this regard is

EACoE, India.

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