thanks a lot for your inputs.

I used 
Win32::OLE module
as it opens up a new instance of internet explorer with my preferred webpage. 

now, i dont need to store all the html. i just need to store the html from 
$guts =~ /startpathwayimage(.*)endpathwayimage/;

and then further process this into a file. so now i changed my code to:

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple; # see search.cpan.org for more info
my $guts = get('http://www.biocarta.com/pathfiles/h_il10Pathway.asp');
$guts =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$guts =~ s/\"/'/g;
$guts =~ s/\n//g;
$guts =~ s/\s+//g;
my @links = $guts =~ /startpathwayimage(.*)endpathwayimage/;
open(STORE, ">output.txt") || die "Opening output.txt: $!";
print STORE @links;
close (STORE);
This output.txt has all the desired links that i need to store. I need to parse this 
output.txt to yield me all links sequence like this:

there are around 15 links in javapop-ups!

awaiting your tips!

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