
I had a simple array in mind, but as i got reacquainted with PERL, with the
help of the list, i realized i was thinking to small.  (that's always

Anyway.  I have an array/hash(still learning the technical differences)
similar to

      (pardon syntax irregularities, just trying to show structure)

            {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
            {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
            {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
            {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
            {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
            {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
            {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
            {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT

Which I'm having no problems working with.  I wanted to add a SERVERNAME
above PROCESSID so it becomes:

                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT
                  {MSGNUMBER} = MSGTEXT


I'm confused about how to get the count, and keys for the second array.
For the first i was simply using
$cnt = keys %tux_errors;
@tux_keys = keys %tux_errors;

when i added an additional key, i thought i could use the following (i was
wrong, of course)

$cnt = keys %tux_errors{SERVERNAME};
@tux_keys = keys %tux_errors{SERVERNAME};

When i try the above, i get compilation errors....

I'm sure if found a very difficult way to ask a simple syntax
question...but hey, this is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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