On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 10:46:33PM -0000, Rob Dixon wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The Advantage is you get to use the switch statement. The disadvantage is
> > your code will run extraordinarily slow because the Switch module uses a run time
> > Filter. In short: isn't an is-elsif-else statement enough??
> Are you saying that 'if-elsif-else' is a compile-time filter? It isn't.
> So I guess 'if-elsif-else' runs extraordinarily slow too.
> AFAIK Switch allows coding that runs no more slowly than 'if', and lets
> you express some solutions much more neatly.

The problem is that Switch.pm is a source filter, which is effectively
an extra level of processing before compilation.

Personally, I wouldn't use a source filter for anything I cared about.

The docs for Switch state:

  There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in code this
  funky :-)

and also

  Due to the heuristic nature of Switch.pm's source parsing, the
  presence of regexes specified with raw "?...?" delimiters may cause
  mysterious errors.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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