On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 07:44:15PM +0100, Anthony Vanelverdinghe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hi
> I want to save the name and the URL of a html hyperlink in an array 
> (@bookmarks).
> The problem is that the quotes aren't recognized, so it doesn't save only 
> the URL;
> but also the other attributes of <A...>
> How can i make sure only the URL between the quotes is saved?
> if (/^\s*<DT><A HREF="(.+)".*>(.+)<\/A>\s*$/i){
>         push (@bookmarks,$2,$1);
> }

I'm sure others will do a better job but this seems to do the
trick.  This is assuming the quotes will always be there. -

use warnings;
use strict;

while (<DATA>) {
    $_ =~ /^\s*<DT><A HREF="(.+)">(.+)<\/A>$/i;
    print "$1 $2\n";

  <DT><A HREF="http://urltonowhere1.com/";>To Nowhere1</A>
<DT><a href="http://urltonowhere2.com/";>To Nowhere2</a>
  <DT><A HREF="http://urltonowhere3.com/";>To Nowhere3</A>

Output -

[slock:~/scratch/beginners/regex]$ ./url.pl                                            
                                                   1,1           All
http://urltonowhere1.com/ To Nowhere1
http://urltonowhere2.com/ To Nowhere2
http://urltonowhere3.com/ To Nowhere3


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