On Tuesday 24 February 2004 04:29, Michael Ragsdale generously enriched 
virtual reality by making up this one:


> >However, dont pass the object - pass a refernece to it in line 2, like:
> >my $go = $right->Button(-text=>'Get Data',-command=>sub{compute(\
> >$ent)})->pack(-side=>'top');
> >
> >and use $$_[0]->get in compute
> I see the advantages of passing by reference, however, when I added the \
> to pass the reference of $ent and the $ to dereference $_[0], it no longer
> worked.  These were the only two changes and it left me with...
> my $go = $right->Button(-command=>sub{compute(\$ent)})->pack;
> sub compute{
>      my $input = $$_[0]->get();
>      $sth->execute($input) or die.....
> }
> The error was "can't call method get on an undefined value".  Now I'm
> really confused.  Why would passing the object work, but passing the
> reference and then dereferencing in the sub doesn't?

my fault:

my $input = ${$_[0]}->get();

should work.
I usually use something like :

my $passed_ref=shift;
and then work from there on.

Enjoy: wolf

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