> Is there a way to get an external process's output *and* return value?
I have a program 
> that opens a pipe to 'make', process all the input, and then checks
the return value when 
> the loop ends (pipe is broken/closed):
> open MAKE, "make |" or die "Can't open MAKE pipe";
> while(<MAKE>) {
>    # Process input
> }
> if($make_return_value) {
>    # An error occured with 'make'
> }
> How do I get that return value?

Have you done the required reading, particularly:

"Using open() for IPC" in perldoc perlipc

Of course you shouldn't need open for this unless you plan to pass input
in as well, `` should work, and $? is what you are after.  Check out:

perldoc -f system

For wrangling that particular nasty...


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