
Leaw, Chern Jian wrote:

to the format listed below when printing it out to the standard output:

adanie2 agibson agoh1 aiabouse
akko alau alee1 alee2 amitb amohdali amshams anmohand

my %count;

while (<DATA>) {
    for my $word (split) {
      next unless $word =~ /\w/;
      $word =~ s/^\W+//;
      $word =~ s/\W+$//;
      $count{lc $word}++;

for my $word (sort keys %count) {
    print "$word\n";

abinabdu adanie2  agibson  agoh1    aiabouse
akko     alau     alee1    alee2    amitb
amohdali amshams  anmohand

Or, to use it on a file:

my $file = shift || "no input file given";

open (FHANDLE, "<$file") or die "owie, cannot open $file";

my %count;

while (<FHANDLE>) {
    for my $word (split) {
      next unless $word =~ /\w/;
      $word =~ s/^\W+//;
      $word =~ s/\W+$//;
      $count{lc $word}++;

for my $word (sort keys %count) {
    print "$word\n";


hth; -Bill- __Sx__________________________________________ http://youve-reached-the.endoftheinternet.org/

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