Stuart White wrote:

> So I figured out from folks on the list, Beginning
> Perl, and some print statements that
> @list = (2 .. $input);
> puts the range of numbers into an array, and that if I
> stringified it, then it would put the entire range
> into $list[0]
> Now that I've figured that bit out, I went on to
> remove all the even numbers from the list.  I got that
> done with this:
> foreach (@list)
> {
>  if ($_ % 2 != 0)
>  {
>   unshift(@primelist, $_);
>   @primelist\n";
>  }
> }
> Now what I'd like to do to test whether or not I have
> a prime number is to get at each element in
> @primelist, and use the modulus operator on each
> element against each element in @list.  For example:
> $primelist[0] % $list[0]
> $primelist[0] % $list[1]
> $primelist[0] % $list[2]
> $primelist[1] % $list[0]
> $primelist[1] % $list[1]
> $primelist[1] % $list[2]
> $primelist[2] % $list[0]
> $primelist[2] % $list[1]
> $primelist[2] % $list[2]
> and if the result doesn't equal 0 for every test
> except for against itself, then I want to unshift it
> onto @primelist.
> I thought I'd do this with nested foreach loops, but
> that didn't seem to work.  Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> oops, here's my code:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> my $input;
> my @list;
> my @primelist;
> print "I want you to enter a list of numbers bigger
> than 2.\n";
> print "To mark the end of your list, enter 0.\n";
> print "Enter a number that is bigger than 2:\t";
> $input = <STDIN>;
> chomp($input);
> print "This is your number: $input \n";
> @list = (2 .. $input);
> print "this is this the fourth element, but has an
> index of 3: $list[3]\n";
> foreach (@list)
> {
>  if ($_ % 2 != 0)
>  {
>   unshift(@primelist, $_);
>         print "this is the inner loop of primelist:
> @primelist\n";
>  }
> }
> print "this is the outer loop of primelist:
> @primelist\n";

You must b getting bored and tense with all that code and numbers and stuff.
Take a break, and enjoy some rolling screen graphics:

my @primes = (2);
my $candidate = 3;
while(1) {
   my $limit = $candidate ** 0.5;
   my $has_factor = 0;
   foreach (@primes) {
      if ($_ > $limit) {
         push @primes, $candidate;
      unless ($candidate % $_) {
         $has_factor = 1;
   unless ($has_factor) {
      print "$_ " foreach @primes;
      print "\n";


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