On Monday 01 March 2004 02:06, wolf blaum generously enriched virtual reality 
by making up this one:

> On Sunday 29 February 2004 17:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] generously
> enriched virtual reality by making up this one:
> Hi
> > I have a script that processes a form input. What I want to do is this:
> I assume you are talking about a html form.
> > I have form elements:
> >
> > -radio_group1
> > -radio_group2
> >
> > -textfield: takes 6 digits depending on the user' selection.
> >
> > I want the textfield to be populated with 000000 if the user select
> > radio_group2.
> >
> > Any idea on how to do that and thanks in advance!
> ---snip---
> #! /usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> my $p = new CGI;
> my $myself =$p->url;
> my $text;

print $p->header;

Sorry, I forgot. Wolf

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